Pedro Gil Carvalho


I'm a dad, a husband, and an engineering leader.

I help others work at their best, and build the organizations in which they thrive.

I gravitate towards e-commerce, API, content, and adjacent areas in high-growth VC-funded startups with international exposure. I've lead engineering and solution architecture teams in such companies for the past 7 years, having been a professional programmer for 15 years before that.

I'm a science nerd. I love lego, star wars, driving, and going for a run now and then. I code for fun. I love traveling and I'm based in Berlin with my wife and our baby daughter.

recent experience

Today I'm an engineering director at Getir. I support a group of managers whose distributed teams provide backend and customer-facing services that touch all of the verticals of Getir's global super app.

I was head of engineering at Lengoo before. We delivered translation AI services to businesses and individuals all across. My tenure straddled the pandemic, tackling the unique challenges of the times while growing a diverse engineering organization.

Previously, I helped Contentful's enterprise customers deliver content-centric software at scale across Europe and North America. Serving as an enterprise solution architect, I provided their teams with technical guidance and cross-functional organizational coaching. All while managing Contentful's European SA team and founding the North American one.

Before then, I led the Platform Engineering department at Hellofresh HQ in Berlin, where we handled worldwide cloud infrastructure, payments, and public APIs. As one of four heads of engineering, we grew the organization from 10 to over 100 headcount and laid down the foundations of HelloTech.

And before that, I had about 15 years of experience building software. Sometimes alone as a freelancer or founder, mostly as part of teams. The drive to write code never left me. Even today I still identify as a programmer first and manager second. I see management as a way to bridge the gap that exists between senior leadership and individual contributors, creating the conditions for individuals as well as the broader organization to succeed.

